“We have about 785 stalls sold,” Gale Little says. “We may have five or six stalls left, so yes, we are at just about a sell out! Move in started the day before yesterday, and Larry said there were people and horses everywhere and steady traffic of more trailers arriving.”
Continue reading …Congratulations goes to all of the newly-crowned World Champions including Christopher Strong with All That Charisma, who took home a win in AM Jr Disciplined Rail English, ST/HN Type. Scoring another big win for APHA stallion All Time Fancy was All About The Swing with Anne Rosen aboard in AM Sr – Disciplined Rail English, ST/HN Type. The streak continued in AM Elite – Disciplined Rail English, ST/HN Type with a win for All Or Nothin and Connie Robertson.
Continue reading …Thanks to an improved show schedule, lucrative NQHL special events, NSBA futurities, shortened halter schedule, and fun social events, the 2014 Big A and Stars and Stripes is on track to become one of the best in the event’s history!
Continue reading …“When I went to grab the horn, like usual, and the back of the cantle, I got a handful of snake instead. I shoved it back into place, did the heeby-jeeby dance, and yelled for my dad.”
Continue reading …The All Novice Show cranked out impressive, early, entry numbers like 29 in Showmanship All Ages Novice Youth, 32 in Showmanship All Ages N/A, 26 in Novice Amateur Walk Trot, 37 in Western Pleasure All Ages Novice Amateur, and 32 in Horsemanship All Ages Novice Amateur.
Continue reading …Of course, he will come in the mail and he’s about 1:9 scale of the actual “Harley,” but he does come with his own Championship ribbon.
That’s right folks, the undisputed king of the western riding world, Harley D Zip, has been made into a Breyer Horse!
The PQHA Summer Kick-Off filled almost 400 stalls, showed close to 900 entries, and provided four judges over the two-day split combined event. “This is a 75% increase from the 2013 show,” said Brenda Campbell, PQHA Office Staff and Board Member.
Continue reading …“Every horse show person, that I know, has rescued some dog, either from a shelter, from the streets, or from the barn at a show,” Ellen says. “I thought it would be a great idea to bring a dog adoption event to the horse shows.”
Continue reading …Approximately 30 competitors and 60 class entries gathered in Oklahoma City on Saturday, May 31st for the 13 classes that made up the 2014 Jerry Wells Memorial Scholarship Halter Futurity.
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