“It was a hole in the center of her heart 3 ½ centimeters wide, and it had been there since she was born. As a result, her heart was enlarged three times its normal size.”
Continue reading …“Walking into the show pen for the first time in four years was almost enlightening. My dreams were finally coming true, and I was given a second chance at showing my dream horse. I had almost forgotten what it was like to have so much trust in an animal and what that bond felt like.”
Continue reading …First, walking into the arena while the national anthem plays, with your team by your side, is the closest to feeling like we’re at the Olympics that any of us will probably ever have. It was a once in a lifetime experience, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Continue reading …This year, the WPSS has some wonderful sponsors on board including the class sponsors Santé Medical Aesthesis and Equine Chronicle. Blue Ribbon saddles will be given away to the winners of the Three-Year-Old classes.
Continue reading …Today, many exhibitors are enjoying the “off-day” of the competition with fun excursions like the Hellgate Jet Boat Trip, Rogue Valley Zipline Adventure, Rogue River Rafting, Rogue River Fishing Trips, and even Wine Tasting Tours!
Continue reading …Everyone on Team USA got to see a variety of animals including wallabies (a pony in the kangaroo world), ducks, cockatoos, peacocks, and the famous kangaroo. Calley, who was the first to hold a baby wallaby, was extremely excited to hold one.
Continue reading …The winning Open Rider in the 2-Year-Old Sale Stakes class will win an additional $3,000 if he or she rides in a Harris saddle. The winning Limited Rider will win an additional $1,000 if he or she rides in a Harris saddle.
Continue reading …With just one week left before the circuit kicks off on July 1st, there are 950+ stalls reserved and over 165 RV spots claimed!
Continue reading …“I began chatting with Kristy Starnes. I was so nervous, because I didn’t want to ask any dumb questions and make her think I was a babbling star struck idiot. I managed to keep my cool, and we had a nice chat. I never would’ve met these people unless I stepped outside of my comfort zone and spoke to them. I also realized that all of the people I met are a lot like you and I. We all started somewhere, and we all saddle up the same way.”
Continue reading …Over the weekend, two more PQS champions were crowned and presented with big checks. Winning the 3-Year-Old Limited Horse Limited Rider Hunter Under Saddle was Ryan Painter with Huntin All The Time for owner Ellie Seddon. The winner of the Limited Horse Limited Rider Non Pro Western Pleasure Maturity was Brooke Granzow with RR Final Approach for owner Sara Heeley.
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