“There is a definite guy factor. When you’re good, it’s in your favor. Take your time, perfect your craft, and you will rise to the top.”
Continue reading …Angela Fox has a whole new appreciation for the late nights and early mornings that come with competing at a horse show. That’s because, in addition to showing here at the Congress with her 5-year-old gelding, The Company You Keep, she’s also juggling taking care of her three-month-old daughter, Ellis Jane.
Continue reading …“If your horse doesn’t have a great lead change, or they’re not the prettiest animal, or they don’t lope the best, it’s ok. Horsemanship about how you can get your horse shown.”
Continue reading …First up this morning, Deanna piloted Blazinmytroublesaway to win Novice Youth 14-18 Showmanship. Then, a quick costume change later and she was in the Western Pleasure pen to compete in the 15-18 division.
Continue reading …“Showmanship was actually my least favorite class to do, but I thought at least I have a horse that’s good at it now, so I should be good at it too! Judd and Jen and I practiced, and practiced, and practiced. Jennifer has gotten me so much further. I wouldn’t be here without her. She’s awesome.”
Continue reading …We captured so many amazing memories during Week 2 at the Quarter Horse Congress! Click here to view them all.
Continue reading …“[My trainer] Andy Staton went and looked at him, and he didn’t even call me,” Josh ways. “I got an email from Kaplow saying thank you for insuring a horse. He got up there, saw him, and decided he was the one we had to buy. He said to send up a check.”
Continue reading …“Leslie works with Lefty, mostly, because they get along, and then Jeff works with Junior. Jeff is the critique person. Put them together, and they’re one mean machine!
Continue reading …It’s an impressive feat that Keith Miller and Sleepin were able to best 123 other entries to claim the title of Congress Champion in Green Hunter Under Saddle. But when you discover that Sleepin is only two years old, their success takes on an entirely different meaning.
Continue reading …Although JL was a bit nervous heading into his class today, he knew his reliable stallion, PF Premo, would help him through. JL was a bit emotional exiting the pen following his big win as he gave his wife the bouquet of flowers along with a big hug. We asked him if he was excited, and he said a better word would be relieved!
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