While the process is directed by the change in daylight, external temperatures will also play somewhat of a role, in that a horse that is blanketed early will not develop as thick a coat.
Continue reading …During this blessed and joyous holiday, everyone here at The Equine Chronicle would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Whether you’re enjoying some well-deserved time off after a busy 2016 show season, or you’re preparing to travel to one of the first shows of the 2017 season, be […]
Continue reading …If you do blanket, remember that a horse’s fur fluffs out when it’s cold. This adds air space, like your down jacket has, and that air fills with warmth making the fur more efficient. Blankets crush down that air space, so you need a heavy enough blanket to provide true warmth. A thin sheet may protect a horse from rain, but it may not provide much warmth and may leave the horse colder than if he had no blanket.
Continue reading …According to some studies, the tissue under the wrap, along with tendons, can potentially overheat in hot weather.
Continue reading …Looking for a fun winter activity? Stay inside on a cold, blustery, winter afternoon and make your horse some of these delicious homemade horse treats. I’m sure your horse will appreciate the effort!
Continue reading …Any reputable consignment company will offer a trial period or a generous return policy. Shipping methods can vary a great deal, and you’re more likely to get a professional shipment with a business rather than with an individual selling their clothing.
Continue reading …Benny’s love of fine equine craftsmanship, vintage tack, and the vaquero tradition was no secret to those who knew him the best.
Continue reading …Most AQHA show classes will be complete on Saturday, March 11. There will no longer be an “Off Day” on Wednesday. Be sure to check the schedule before making your reservations. The complete Class Schedule is available on-line. You can also review the Arena Schedule.
Continue reading …The Breeders’ Halter Futurity has just released the Stallion Nominations Lists for 2017! BHF Amateur division Ecredible Execute My Intention PTMA Star Kid Heza Secret Agent Telasecret IEM The One The Amazing Gunslinger Ikon Kid Coolsified The Home Run Kid BHF Open division A Coolest Touchdown Apirates Life For Me Backstreet BRTSendingMyRegards Cali Baba Caribbean […]
Continue reading …Our EquineChronicle.com fans are getting in on all the fun for National Horse Day by sharing photos of their favorite horses and what they mean to them on our The Equine Chronicle Facebook page. Scroll below to view!
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