If, like Doctor Doolittle, you’ve ever found yourself wondering if it’s possible to talk to your horse, you’re not in strange company. The Equine Chronicle listened in, so to speak, as a few top exhibitors chatted with their equine partners through trained animal communicators.
Continue reading …Click here to read the complete article 156 – March/April, 2017 By Alison Foster Rock My Motion, the 15-hand bay gelding by Appaloosa stallion, Hot Chocolate Chip, and out of She’s Radical, by AQHA stallion Radical Rodder, is rocking the horse show circuit. “Tex” is a Western Pleasure hotshot. He won his first major accolade […]
Continue reading …For those who have grown up around horses, the question of why parents would want to get their children involved in the world of competitive horse showing seems like a silly one.
Continue reading …“I would be lying if I said the first time I judged Quarter Horse Congress that I wasn’t nervous. This show was always on my bucket list to judge, and I was honored to get the opportunity. Denny instilled so much confidence in me and the entire judging team.”
Continue reading …White line disease is the common term for a progressive infection and subsequent separation of the hoof wall—with the wall coming loose from the foot.
Continue reading …In the end, Dave Miller showed his smooth handling skills were no match for his competitors, and he sailed over the jumps while preserving every bit of his orange and champagne libation.
Continue reading …… Sources define a professional simply as “one who earns a living for their occupation,” …By definition, an amateur is “a person who engages in a pursuit or activity for pleasure rather than for financial benefit.”
Continue reading …“He was quirky, he was loving, he ate bananas, he’d bite you on the butt if you weren’t paying attention. He had rules, and we were expected to follow them.”
Continue reading …Halter Results Day 2 Horsemanship Results 1 NSBA Futurity Results Over Fence Results 1 Ranch Riding 1 Revised Ranch Riding Results 1 Revised Showmanship Day 1 Trail Results 3 5 17-1 Trail Results 3 5 17 Trail Results Day 1 Western Pleasure Results 1 Western Riding Novice Select and Amateur Western Riding Results Day 1
Continue reading …Every year, as foaling season approaches, breeders wait with extreme anticipation for their foals to arrive.
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