“Sometimes, it’s exhausting showing all day, but I think there are a lot of young eyes watching, and it’s important to show them good sportsmanship when accepting awards.”
Continue reading …Mark Harrell Horse Shows recorded 4,600 total entries for the show, which was a 300 AQHA entry increase over last year’s event.
Continue reading …Show management recorded 380+ entries and 50+ 4-H/FFA entries. The show ran until midnight, but entries were still being accepted at 11:30 pm!
Continue reading …Check out Kelly’s first photo blog from the Indy Circuit that’s currently underway in New Castle, IN. Stay tuned for more photos and results coming from Mark Harrell Horse Shows at the show’s conclusion. If you’d like to become an EC Blogger like Kelly, email B.Bevis@EquineChronicle.com.
Continue reading …Over the weekend, showgoers were treated to the Progressive Dinner Exhibitors’ Party, which ensured plenty of good food, hilarious costumes, and lots of laughs! Scroll below to view more photos.
Continue reading …“Everything he does is very easy. There isn’t a lot of prep time with him. Everything comes naturally for this horse, and he’s got such a great personality. He’s a hoot!,” Neece says.
Continue reading …Like the show’s motto says, the Redbud Spectacular is “a whirlwind of a horse show!” Be sure to attend the Welcome Party this evening with wine tasting and hors d’oeuvres at 6:00 pm in the Super Barn.
Continue reading …The 15th Anniversary of the Stanford Happening was held in conjunction with the show and awarded 16 buckles, nearly $3,400, and a saddle to exhibitors.
Continue reading …Horse owners came from as far away as Canada, New York, California, and Florida with Quarter Horses, Paint Horses, and Appaloosas in tow. $60,000 in cash was awarded to the big winners plus Cowboy Bronze Trophies for all Champions and Reserve Champions in each of the eight classes.
Continue reading …While some enjoyed backyard barbecues and pool parties over Memorial Day weekend, diehard AQHA competitors headed to Lake St. Louis, Missouri for the 2017 Gateway Classic.
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