First time ApHC Youth World Show and Nationals competitor, Lori Girrbach, is having an exceptional start to what we’re certain will be a long and successful career on the world stage. She’s already won three Championship titles here at the show in 14-18 English Showmanship and Novice English Equitation. The third came this afternoon in Novice Western Horsemanship 14-18 with her horse, Chocolate N Jack.
Continue reading …Finally, in 14-18 Hunter Under Saddle, Alysia Nielson rode BMQ The Jig Is Up to win in her final year of youth competition. The Reserve Champion was her friend and barn mate, Georgia Vernal, with Fascination Sensation.
Continue reading …Doug Huls, show manager, was thrilled with the size of the show saying, “The show has doubled in back numbers and more than doubled in number of stalls!”
Continue reading …Mac McGinnis of Dalton, GA. led Shesaezrockingoodbar to win the Western Pleasure Super Sires Yearling Non-Pro Longe Line and a check for $5,000! Shesaezrockingoodbar is by The Rock and out of Shezaezzippingoodbar.
Continue reading …Because this is such a long circuit, we have a number of EC Bloggers that will be providing us with live reports throughout the show from the perspective of a number of different age divisions.
Continue reading …Coming in as the returning Champion from last year’s event, Chase knew he had the ability to claim another big win with Miley, but with his graduation to an older age division there were no guarantees. “I thought I had a good chance,” he says. “She’s really soft, and she’s usually in a good mood. She’s easy to work with. My favorite part of riding her is loping. She’s the smoothest one I’ve ridden.”
Continue reading …First up, the adorable Kassidy Sarno rode her colorful mount, JW Just John, to win Novice Youth Working Hunter, much to the delight of her cheering crowd in the stands from Colorado. The Reserve Champion was Devyn Ritchey with Inspired By Real. Third place was Kaiya Kolb with Sacred Indigo Sky.
Continue reading …Click here to view more fun photos from Day 1 of the show!
Continue reading …After flying back to Las Vegas from Medford (on a very early flight with a 2.5 hour layover in Salt Lake City and running on two hours of sleep), I went into a horse show coma. Yesterday, after arising from said coma, I watched every pattern or class about 10 times.
Continue reading …Like the other winners in today’s classes, Erin Wright received a $1,000 scholarship for her future education. Although she’s only 11, about to turn 12 during the AQHA Youth World, she says, “I think about that all the time. I thought maybe I’d like to be a veterinarian.”
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