New for 2018, there will be eight judges! Also, in addition to all-around buckles, a grand total of 33 saddles will be awarded to lucky competitors.
Continue reading …Lee Paul Shinn started showing as a young boy in Texas more than 40 years ago. What started as a hobby at local 4-H shows quickly grew into a passion that led him to compete in all-around events at AQHA breed shows.
Continue reading …“She’s due to foal in April to Do You Have A Minute, a stud that Wayne and I owned several years ago… It’s just a good thing the AQHA World Show wasn’t a couple of weeks from now!”
Continue reading …This year, the Color Breed Congress encompasses three different breeds: PtHA, the Palomino Horse Breeders of America, and the Appaloosa Horse Club. No matter the breed affiliation of their colorful counterparts, exhibitors will have the chance to ride for over $150,000 in cash and prizes!
Continue reading …The 2017 Arizona Fall Championship held in Scottsdale, AZ, September 20th through 24th proved once again that it’s truly the “Show For Everyone” with a broad canvas of opportunities. The show offered a full schedule of Rail, Trail, Halter, Showmanship, Reining, and Cattle classes.
Continue reading …Any L3 World Champion crowned during daytime classes will be invited to the Trade Show in the new Bennett Event Center to participate in a special ceremony at the ARC Champions Circle backdrop, where they will then be presented with their golden globe. In contrast, any L3 World Champion that is crowned during an evening finals performance will receive their golden globe in the arena.
Continue reading …He was a sire, grandsire, and great grandsire of multiple World, Reserve World, and Congress Champions. He was the true all-around horse, earning points in over 15 events as well as producing offspring that have done the same. But, Art was so much more than just a horse with astounding accomplishments to his name. He captivated the hearts of everyone he met with his phenomenal disposition and intoxicating personality
Continue reading …“David is wonderful at helping me with my green horses and my older horses, as far as how to get them to have better show presence when jumping and working on my body position. Scott is amazing at flat work, and he has helped with getting my horses more broke, the correct way, rather than forcing them into doing something.”
Continue reading …Over fence classes grew out of the Fox Hunting tradition. Once upon a time, fox hunters were bred to clear natural-looking obstacles, travel with an efficient and smooth gait, and remain impeccably well-mannered during the chaos of the hunt.
Continue reading …If you were busy at the show and missed any of our feature articles, great photos, or fun red carpet video interviews, here they are, all in one place!
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