The 2017 Florida Gold Coast wrapped up the New Year in spectacular fashion with more than 11,000 total entries, according to show management team, An Equine Production. The final tally shows more than 8,300 AQHA entries were recorded, which is an increase of 450 over 2016.
Continue reading …With the peak of the 2018 show season just on the horizon, some of the industry’s top exhibitors are in search of their next equine partner. The hunt for the next great champion brings with it excitement, anticipation, and optimism. The thoughtful preparation of these top equine athletes is a demanding and often lengthy process. Read on to discover how some of the nation’s top consignors prepare talented young stock to be marketed to buyers.
Continue reading …The rags to riches story of a kill pen rescue turned show horse. A memorial for one of the industry’s great show mares. The candid story of trainer who returned to the top of his game after drug addiction. The triumphant tale of an equestrian who’s paving his own way, in spectacular style.
Continue reading …Twas the night before New Year and all through the stalls, every horse was made ready, prepared one and all. All the halters were hung, and the saddles with care, with hope that a victory soon would be theirs.
Continue reading …David Miller and Scott Jones prove the old adage teamwork makes the dream work.
Continue reading …The effects of smoke on horses are similar to effects on humans: irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract, aggravation of conditions like heaves (recurrent airway obstruction), and reduced lung function. High concentrations of particulates can cause persistent cough, increased nasal discharge, wheezing and increased physical effort in breathing. Particulates can also alter the immune system and reduce the ability of the lungs to remove foreign materials, such as pollen and bacteria, to which horses are normally exposed.
Continue reading …We asked top professionals your biggest questions about keeping a show-worthy hair coat. Here’s what they had to say…
Continue reading …Think about horse-related jobs especially, so you can continue to be around the horses you love while you’re earning extra cash. Opportunities like grooming, braiding or working in the show office are a great way to help fund your horse show habit.
Continue reading …When a hoof dries out too quickly, the protein molecules that make up the hoof structure partly go back into place. However, when they go back in place rapidly, there are gaps between the molecules weakening the hoof structure. This causes the hoof to crack and split under stress. When this wet/dry cycle is repeated over and over, it continues to weaken the integrity of the hoof.
Continue reading …“On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, twelve Trakehner trotting, eleven Paints-a-prancing, ten Hackney hacking, nine Jutland jumping, eight Morgans marching, seven Shires-a-snorting, six Gypsy Vanner, five Quarter Horse, four Cleveland Bay, three Welsh Cob, two Thoroughbreds, and a Pinto in a paddock!”
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