Think about horse-related jobs especially, so you can continue to be around the horses you love while you’re earning extra cash. Opportunities like grooming, braiding or working in the show office are a great way to help fund your horse show habit.
Continue reading …When a hoof dries out too quickly, the protein molecules that make up the hoof structure partly go back into place. However, when they go back in place rapidly, there are gaps between the molecules weakening the hoof structure. This causes the hoof to crack and split under stress. When this wet/dry cycle is repeated over and over, it continues to weaken the integrity of the hoof.
Continue reading …“On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, twelve Trakehner trotting, eleven Paints-a-prancing, ten Hackney hacking, nine Jutland jumping, eight Morgans marching, seven Shires-a-snorting, six Gypsy Vanner, five Quarter Horse, four Cleveland Bay, three Welsh Cob, two Thoroughbreds, and a Pinto in a paddock!”
Continue reading …Do you remember the anticipation and excitement you felt as a child, sneaking down the stairs on Christmas Day, waiting [im]patiently for your parents to wake up so you could open the gleaming packages waiting under the tree?
Continue reading …Imagine a horse show where instead of blue ribbons and trophies, the champions were presented with new tack, a veterinary exam, and treatment for health ailments. The concept might seem a little out of the ordinary here in the states, but the idea has taken off in impoverished parts of the world, specifically the Republic of The Gambia, a small country located in West Africa.
Continue reading …Another big advantage of the app is GPS live tracking. “Our app allows for both the driver and horse owners to be in constant communication both before and during the trip. Another important feature to mention here is that we have a 2-way rating system where the driver can rate the horse owner and vice versa. This helps us to keep a balance between both!”
Continue reading …“Probably, the most important thing for your readers to know, is that they will not be affected by this rule, unless they’ve been keeping written time logs in the past. The ELD mandate is not changing anything related to commercial drivers’ license requirements. It’s just changing how those hours are reported.”
Continue reading …There is a multitude of fantastic prizes lined up to be presented to All Around Champions, Circuit Champions, and High Point winners. Awards include Rod Patrick Boots, belt buckles, Scottsdale Performance Saddles, Professionals’ Choice Spurs, Equine Oasis Saddles, Blue Ribbon Saddles, Jeff Smith Saddles, Caliente Saddle Shop Saddles, and cold, hard, cash!
Continue reading …AQHA Select competitor, June Liston, recently upgraded her horsepower to a newer model, but we’re not talking about the fuzzy, four-legged variety. Liston is now the newest Boeing 777 Captain for United Airlines. She will be flying the 777-300ER, which has the largest commercial aircraft engine currently on the market, providing 115,000 horsepower on each side.
Continue reading …The 2018 Arizona Sun Circuit will offer the following NSBA color classes to eight judges, with a Sun Circuit champion trophy to each champion in these classes.
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