When looking for areas in which to cut expenses, don’t do it at the expense of the judges. High quality judges bring people to shows. Other cuts can be forgiven in the presence of prestigious judges.
Continue reading …“I’m proud to have raised my family on the backs of these horses, overcome the loss of my husband, and made a wonderful life in this business. I want my kids to be able to continue the foundation that Lynn and I established.”
Continue reading …On Wednesday, after the conclusion of the last Futurity class, a few brave souls will be invited to try their skills in giant, inflatable bumper balls for The Equine Chronicle Bumper Ball Race. Three adults and four children will compete for the title of the Ultimate Bumper Ball Champion. Word is that the bumper balls have just arrived and Mr. Powers plans to test them out, himself…
Continue reading …An exciting new addition to the show this year are Equine Chronicle Bucks that will be presented to competitors in random class drawings. That’s $500 a day for classes taking place June 15-19, totaling $2,500 for the show!
Continue reading …Thanks to Sheila and Tatum Richey for some fun photos from around the rings at the Texas Amateur State Championship and Big Country Quarter Horse Association Show that took place over the weekend in Waco, TX. If you’d like to share your horse show photos with us, email B.Bevis@EquineChronicle.com.
Continue reading …The Equine Chronicle is sponsoring our Green4Green circuit champions. Each of the Level 1 classes of Western Pleasure, Hunt Seat, Trail, and Western Riding will receive a bonus of $500! Level 1 classes are an important part of any show and this added money encourages people to show their green horses in these events.
Continue reading …You head towards your trainer with a big smile on your face, only to discover you’ve made a small, but critical, error that will certainly affect your placings in the class. BAM! 3 point penalty. What did you do?
Continue reading …“The #MeToo and #TimesUp movements have further brought to light the importance of maintaining a safe environment for all, and the equine industry is no exception to this.”
Continue reading …“People ask me how I do it, and I’m not sure. I’ve been out at the barn on some of my hardest days, but I need to be out there. The horses give me a strength I cannot get while sitting on the couch.”
Continue reading …Cassidy Jensen is all smiles after riding Chocolatey Special K to win a The Equine Chronicle ad for 14-18 High Point!
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