The PHC was awarded the designation of being the largest APHA show in the country last year, and the next five days will determine if they can surpass the success of 2017.
Continue reading …“The last run is just as important as the first, even with 160 Trail goes! None of this would be possible without a good scribe, I can’t emphasize that enough. Of course, everyone makes mistakes. The art is in trying to minimize error. The good scribes will split your ties and keep you aware of your top scores. They are life savers!”
Continue reading …In 2002, Elizabeth won Amateur Trail at the Congress with another beloved horse, A Different Glow, who has since passed and is now buried at her Texas ranch. She was the Reserve Congress Champion that same year with Zippy, who is now buried alongside him.
Continue reading …Reid drills us on parts and pieces of the patterns, but we try to avoid putting everything together until right before we leave, so that our horses don’t anticipate the patterns.
Continue reading …“My wife and I are excited to have the opportunity to buy such an incredible animal. I cannot thank Joan Schroeder enough, as well as my son-in-law, Scott Weiss, for putting this deal together. We’re excited to move forward and expand our horizons into the Quarter Horse Western Pleasure industry.”
Continue reading …I have heard it said that breed shows are “pricing people out.” That is somewhat true, but not for the reasons you may think. The stereotype that upper level breed shows cost more money is correct, however. Facilities, judges, show staff, ect, all cost money. The larger the event, the more money it cost to put it on.
Continue reading …The Arizona Quarter Horse Association is excited to announce the mid-year rankings for Showmanship, Horsemanship, and Equitation exhibitors in the lead up to the National Championship Tournament being held at Sun Circuit 2019. Each division lists the individuals, who were scored by the committee, as well as those currently leading the pack at this mid-point of the show year. However, there are still plenty of shows to go before the final list is compiled and eligible exhibitors to the Tournament are announced.
Continue reading …Sr Weanling Fillies- 63, Yearling Mares- 39, Sr Weanling Colts- 36, Amateur Sr Weanling Fillies- 32, Jr Weanling Colts- 28, 2-Year-Old Mares- 28
Continue reading …A highlight of the horse show were three $1,000 Shootout classes- Showmanship, Western Pleasure, and Hunter Under Saddle, for which competitors had to qualify. Winning the Western Pleasure Shootout was Karen Boxell with Good Going Danika. The Reserve Champion was Sherri Banta with Touch My Potential. Each of these ladies received custom silver spurs.
Continue reading …From a hilarious Donkey Race and an adorable 19-entry Leadline class to big checks in NSBA added money Futurities and the inaugural NCEA/YEDA Jr. Medal Horsemanship class, the 2018 Little Buckeye and Buckeye Classic was definitely the #BestBuckeyeYet!
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