Today’s Equitation Finals pattern had everything but the kitchen sink. First off, riders rode with no stirrups. There were extended trots, extended canters, two lead changes, and a two track section with plenty of maneuvering. While it might seem daunting to some competitors, Laura felt ready.
Continue reading …“I think there is a lot more horse in there that we haven’t tapped into yet. He really loves changing leads.”
Continue reading …“I have no depth perception, which is a challenge for Over Fence classes. I was born without it. The way I get it done is with a really good horse and really good trainers.”
Continue reading …Click here for more great photos from around the rings at the AQHA Youth World Show.
Continue reading …“It’s been really fun. Instead of buying a finished horse, we’ve been able to build one.”
Continue reading …“She will take you around the pen, and there is not much fight to her. It’s smooth sailing most of the time.”
Continue reading …Taylor Searles and Hereicomagain epitomized the definition of a true all-around Quarter Horse this morning at the AQHA Youth World Show by winning BOTH the 14-18 Western Pleasure and 14-18 Western Riding in back-to-back fashion.
Continue reading …Congratulations is in order for the top 15 that will return to the Western Pleasure finals tomorrow at the 2018 AQHA Youth World Show. The finals will start at 8:00 am. #116- Live N It Up/Audrey Alderman #123- Gun Powder N Smoke/Leah Anderson #228- Some Hot Potential/Emma Brown #353- Made To Slay/Cameron Crenwelge #387- Money […]
Continue reading …“Rico is an awesome backer, naturally. I think it’s like he’s doing the moonwalk! He stays so up in his shoulders and backs right up for me.”
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