That’s a wrap folks! 14 days, 1,400 photos, 67 videos, 33 articles later, and’s coverage of the 2018 All American Quarter Horse Congress is complete.
Continue reading …Congratulations to all of the All American Quarter Horse Congress High Point All Around Champions and Reserve Champions!
Continue reading …Cellulitis is an inflammatory process of the skin and deeper tissues, and it is commonly associated with bacterial infection. In horses, cellulitis usually appears as a severely swollen limb and typically involves only one limb, most often a hind limb.
Continue reading …Prepping for a major event like the Quarter Horse Congress means thinking about how to achieve picture perfect presentation when you step into the ring. For Halter exhibitors, this involves keeping yourself and your horse calm in busy chutes and warm-up pens, tracking multiple times through a distracting arena, and presenting your horse at its peak conformation for what might be well over an hour of judging.
Continue reading …Horses are in the genes of sixteen-year-old Madison Musser. Her mother, Rebecca Fussell, grew up in the saddle and is still a successful competitor today. Madison’s maternal grandmother, Betty Wills, wrote for the Texas and Southern Quarter Horse Journal, which became the official publication of the Texas Quarter Horse Association. Madison’s grandfather, Connie Wills, was one of the founders of the TQHA. With all this family history, Madison certainly has big shoes to fill.
Continue reading …Tonight’s main event to cap off a full month of horse showing in Columbus, Ohio was The Equine Chronicle Congress Masters 2-Year-Old Event.
Continue reading …Laurel Champlin and her trusty partner of seven years, Look N Hott, aka “JJ,” just claimed double wins at the Quarter Horse Congress in Select Hunter Under Saddle and Select Equitation.
Continue reading …There’s no doubt that all of tonight’s entries have WILLY BIG DREAMS; but, in order to claim the top spot and that big check, they BETTER B SWEET, EXTREMELY GOOD LOOKING, and EXTREMELY SALTY. If you’re planning to attend the Masters tonight, don’t worry, it doesn’t require a lot of OLD SOUTHERN MONEY. The price of a ticket is just $10, as is the pay per view live feed.
Continue reading …Although the Congress may have started out a bit rocky for Rachel Trebesh and her new horse, No Doubt I Shine, they pulled it out in the end to win their first Congress Championship title during their first year showing as an amateur.
Continue reading …The Gilligan Barn at the All American Quarter Horse Congress is transformed into a home away from home for horse show competitors during the month of October. From working fireplaces and fountains to comfy living rooms with flat screen TVs, these setups are much more than just stalls for horses. Check it out in our Stall Tour.