Our sincerest condolences go out to several of our friends in the horse industry, Carolyn McGaughey, Holly Saigo, and Matt Woodson, following the loss of a promising young sire, AQHA stallion, Epic. By The Top Secret and out RPL My Te Touching, 5-year-old Epic was an impressive physical presence in the show pen at 17 hands tall with striking black coloring.
Continue reading …As if there were any doubts as to the inspiration behind the design of this property, the vintage saddles, velvet hunt caps, and horse show ribbons that adorn the living spaces confirm a decidedly equestrian vibe.
Continue reading …The decision is based in large part on increasing the window between the Congress and the AQHA World Show. In the past, these shows have been back-to-back with very few days in between to recover and prepare for the Open/Amateur AQHA World Show. In 2018, there were three days in between the shows. The new date implementation will take effect in 2020 in hopes that exhibitors and attendees will have time to plan accordingly.
Continue reading …“It’s so much fun to be at a show with a full slate of Quarter Horse classes that combine Cattle, Reining, and Ranch Horse classes with top level rail exhibitors in the climate controlled South Point Arena, Casino, and Hotel.”
Continue reading …The schedule is new this year with more leveled classes and added money classes including The Equine Chronicle 3 & Over Novice Horse Western Pleasure, 3 & Over Maiden Horse Western Pleasure and the 4 & Over SOQHA Trail Slot class. All of these classes this year, will be NSBA approved.
Continue reading …“I’m lucky enough to have a large basement with a ramp that leads directly to it, so I thought it was best for his health to come in for a few days. I put down shavings, and he uses that as his bathroom. I’ve had him for so long, I know his habits. He’s loose in the unfinished half of my basement.”
Continue reading …The Breeders Halter Futurity is excited to announce that they have renewed their partnership with APHA to award a $20,000 bonus payout to high placing weanlings that compete at both the 2019 Breeders Halter Futurity and the 2019 APHA World Show.
Continue reading …“Another critical factor in our industry is that we’re raising horses that have great conformation, are pleasing to the eye, and have willing dispositions; but, we have no market for those that aren’t top 5 Halter horses.”
Continue reading …#7- Modify SHW240.3, Amateur and Youth Showing Leases, to allow during a lease period, the recorded owner to also show the horse as well as the recorded owner’s immediate family in addition to the lessee and the lessee’s immediate family. ** (Amateur & Youth recommendations to Shows as primary)
Continue reading …AQHA enthusiasts braved chilly temperatures in Cloverdale, Indiana, January 24-27 for four days of showing with six judges officiating at the C Bar C Winner Circuit. The judges’ pool for the show was Jim Searles, Jeffrey Pait, Chris Thompson, Holly Hover, Mark Russell, Tom McBeath, Jeff Buck, Bruce Brown, and Lynda Danielson.
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