Life is all about change. Those who not only embrace it, but who kindle the spark of transformation, and take one more step toward fulfilling their dreams. Three newly formed teams have begun their latest and varied journeys towards achieving some big goals in 2019.
Continue reading …Ulcers — particularly those of the gastric variety — are one of the most hotly discussed and debated subjects among horse owners today. Performance problems? Must be ulcers. Attitude issues? Probably ulcers. Poor appetite? Have you checked for ulcers? You get the idea.
Continue reading …The Level 1 Amateur High Point Champion was Hunter Johnson with Zippos N My Dreams. The Amateur High Point Champion was Taylor Lewis with Shez Willy Cool. The Amateur Select Champion was Sandy Stevenson with He Is My Choice. The Level 1 Youth Champion was Emma Evitts with Don’t Buck The System. Emma also won the Youth High Point title. The Open High Point Horse was He Is My Choice for Lindsey Stevenson.
Continue reading …Congratulations to a few big winners at the show over the weekend! Jeff Mellott with Ima Lazy Cowboy in Senior L1 Trail; Ariana Ciminio with RL Best of Goodbar and Kacy Jo Philpot with Lil Boss Man in 14-18 Trail L3; Angela Wade with The Perfect Kryme in Amateur Trail; and Jamie DeVencenty with Chex Is The Choice and Bonnie Sheren with Heza Radical Zip in Select L3 Trail.
Continue reading …The Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Spring Extravaganza saw a big increase this year from their 2018 event with a boost of 860 additional entries and a complete stall sell out in February, three months prior to the event.
Continue reading …APHA exhibitors came from all corners of the country, as well as Canada, for the event, which saw an increase of 200 more entries for the Sunday/Monday portion of the show.
Continue reading …This was the first year with a new management team and new show schedule, and the entries were almost tripled from 2018!
Continue reading …International Buckskin Horse Association recently hosted its 2019 convention and annual awards banquet March 14-16 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and saw a busy agenda throughout the weekend that included new class offerings and a new division to the association’s registry. “IBHA saw one of its largest conventions in recent history,” noted Deanna O’Keefe, IBHA office manager. “We had members actively participating in discussions throughout the convention and a large crowd for our annual awards banquet. We’re looking forward to a great show season in 2019!”
Continue reading …While many were enjoying BBQs, boat rides, and camping trips this past Memorial Day weekend, others headed to a number of multi breed horse shows held across the country. The Missouri QHA hosted their Memorial Day celebration at the Gateway Classic, May 23-26, in Lake St. Louis. Judges for the show were Sissy Anderson, Nancy-Sue Ryan, Brent Maxwell, GiGi Bailey, Terry Cross, and Larry Hansch.
Continue reading …While we may sometimes lose sight of the true meaning of the red, white, and blue, it’s important to take a moment, on Memorial Day, to recognize, remember, and celebrate our nation’s heroes who died in service to our country.
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