Thanks to an anonymous sponsor, all-around exhibitors will have the opportunity to win part of their show bill back! There will be a $250 drawing awarded to a youth 18 and under with the most classes entered at the show and an amateur 19 and over exhibitor with the most classes entered.
Continue reading …A horse should have roughly a 50-degree angle of the front wall of the hoof to the ground. The angle of the hoof should match the angle of the dorsal surface of the pastern. If this angle, or line, is broken, it indicates a poor trim due to either too much toe, a concave break in the line, or too much heel, a convex break in the line.
Continue reading …AQHA competitors traveled to Lake St. Louis, MO. March 28-31 for the Mapleleaf Circuit. Hosted by the Missouri Quarter Horse Association, the show provided a revised schedule judged by Brad Kearns, Chele McGauly, Clint Fullerton, Jeff Greaves, Daren Wright, and Tom McBeath.
Continue reading …Scott Reinartz, leading Investin A Goodbar, was at the top of his game all week and was crowned the National Champion in Select Showmanship. He appreciated the opportunity to show against the other competitors, adding, “You work hard all year and it’s really nice to be recognized in this way.” Dan Yeager with Cracking The Code, Heather Lange with Tell A Rosey Storey, and Karen Lee Tegner-Manseth with Gotta Lotta Style were also in The Final Four.
Continue reading …“I first saw Simon when he lived at Highpoint Performance Horses, and I knew there was something special about him then. I knew I wanted foals by him. Never did I know that I would one day have the opportunity to own him.”
Continue reading …An additional “twist” to the format of the class is that the exhibitors must be a limited non-pro. “A limited non-pro for these classes is defined as any amateur or youth exhibitor who has not won two AQHA World Championship titles in the last five years,”explains Falcon. AQHA Select World and AQHA Youth World Championship titles are exempt.
Continue reading …At the No Silver, No Sequins show, Washington State Quarter Horse Youth Association hosted a drive for diapers, socks, clothes, wipes, and more for children in crisis. Also, we accepted AQHYA’s March challenge and dropped off over a truck bed full of items to Hand in Hand. Thank you to everyone who donated!
Continue reading …When the Kottwitz family of Mule Creek Junction, Wyoming knew their calves wouldn’t be able to cross the rapidly rising water, they concocted a genius plan to bring them to safety, with the help of a few friends, a Quarter Horse, and a canoe.
Continue reading …“With a combined effort of the All American Quarter Horse Congress and the Super Sires program, we will be offering three Super Sires classes this year,” said Dr. Scott Myers, OQHA Executive Director. “In a joint effort to help improve our industry, we are looking forward to working with this exciting new program and we feel these classes will be a great addition to our show.”
Continue reading …The Old Farmers’ Almanac has maintained an enduring and faithful readership since its inception in 1792. Early farmers took the Almanac’s advice very seriously for planning, predictions, planting, and animal health. While the world has changed much over the centuries, the Almanac’s Best Days advice continues to be one of its most popular features, right in league with its long range weather forecasts.
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