This is by far the most common error we regularly encounter, even among seasoned competitors. If you plan to exercise your horse on a line, in a circle, you would use a longe line. If you want to do a lunge, go to the gym.
Continue reading …“It has always been one of Kathy’s goals to see foals by her stallions growing up and making their way in the industry, so this is a continuation of that dream.”
Continue reading …Congratulations is in order for High Point winners at the show. Carly Parks and She Had Me At Hello were named the Level 1/Green High Point Champions. Reserve was TW Grose with Thee RedZone. The Junior Champion was Amy Hassinger with Truly Graceful. Reserve was Whitney Lagace with Glo InTheDark. The Senior Champion was Jessica Johnson with DGS Vintage. Reserve was Chuck Briggs with Dancin N The Dirt.
Continue reading …The Las Vegas Silver Dollar Circuit has set aside $25,000 in prize money to be designated for the scored classes in Level 2 Amateur and Level 2 Amateur Select classes, as well as in the Level I Open scored classes. Each class will have a guaranteed $2,000 added money, as well as 80% jackpot of the entry fee of $125. These will be run contiguous with the regular AQHA class, during the second set of shows, under a single judge (to be selected at random at the beginning of each day, but not announced).
Continue reading …Although Sara Simons is no stranger to success in the show arena, 2019 has been a banner year, especially in her favorite class: Western Riding. Sara has been competing at the APHA World Show for many years while rising up through the ranks of youth and amateur to professional.
Continue reading …We are deeply saddened to relay the tragic news coming out of Florida this evening that the matriarch of the Haylo Farms family, Susan Scott, has passed away in a car accident. At this time, it is uncertain what caused the accident, but our prayers of support and love go out to Susan’s husband, Stanley; daughter, Nancy, and grandchildren following her sudden passing.
Continue reading …“I honestly didn’t think she would be selected. We don’t live on a ranch. We only have one horse. We have no experience in raising a baby and didn’t know anything about Ranch Riding. I didn’t think much about it and forgot to tell my husband that she applied.”
Continue reading …An Equine Production Show Management team indicated that stalls were up 150, entries were up over 2,100, and the total entry count was 12,000 entries for all divisions/judges.
Continue reading …As we reflect on this past year, our Top 10 stories of 2019 run the gamut from informative tidbits from industry insiders and preparation tips for major horse shows to condolences for those stricken by fire, famine, and disease and celebration for big winners. Scroll below to view our Top 10 most read stories in 2019.
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