Show Manager, Amanda Palmer, is looking forward to seeing the positive impact that the new division will have on youth numbers for APHA. “I feel that the addition of this division will help us to expand the participation within our youth. We’re very encouraged with the participation in this division at our first two shows this year, and we’re looking forward to seeing the growth of this division for 2020.”
Continue reading …They certainly sound similar, and that’s because a coronavirus is a microscopic strand of RNA, which is genetic material similar to DNA, wrapped in protein. When examined under a microscope, they look like they’re wearing tiny crowns, hence the name. Because this is a virus and not a bacteria, it cannot multiply on its own and must invade a host cell in order to sustain resources to make more viruses.
Continue reading …The win is never guaranteed, since so many factors go into a horse show competition, not to mention the fact that your partner has a mind of his/her own. Sportsmanship begins when a team is first put together, so having milestones or goals to work towards contributes to each of our own individual success plans.
Continue reading …This year, the Super Sires will hold the 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure and 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Limited Western Pleasure at the Tom Powers Futurity in June as well as at the Quarter Horse Congress in October. Each class will pay at least $5,000 to the winner. This incredible opportunity will give three-year-old foals by Super Sires stallions the chance to add to their earnings.
Continue reading …Special thanks to Debra Hrynyk Nelson of WC Marketing Designs for sharing some great photos from the 2019 AzQHA Year-End Awards Banquet. If you have photos or club results to share, email
Continue reading …The 2019 Ohio Quarter Horse Association Awards Banquet was an elaborate affair complete with dinner, dancing, and dignitaries. The banquet room of the Hilton Downtown Columbus was packed to the hilt with more than 480 people eager to celebrate year-end award winners.
Continue reading …The 2015 AQHA stallion is owned by Brenda Gower of Lloydminster, Alberta. On his way to earning this achievement, VS GoodRide amassed 109 points and $17,554.53 in Western Pleasure, Western Riding and Trail events.
Continue reading …“My goal is to showcase young Western Pleasure and Hunter Under Saddle horses in a way that benefits owner, trainers, and the industry as a whole. I try to keep the entry cost down; because, as someone who has been involved in multiple programs focused on futurity horses, I know how many variables go into getting them ready, as well as the risk of them simply not making it to the pen.”
Continue reading …Special thanks to Eric Mendrysa, who was on the scene at The Prairie Classic shooting candids for The Equine Chronicle! The Prairie Classic took place February 5-9 in Oklahoma City.
Continue reading …Congratulations to some of the big winners at the show! Under judge, Jeff Greaves, Sara Simons and Hitt The Jackpot were named the champions in Junior Trail. His winner in Senior Trail was Jess Bergantzel with High Road Reload. His Level 2 Junior Trail Champion was Bruce Vickery with Son Of A Sudden. Level 1 Open Western Riding was won by Blake Weis with Don’t Think Twice. Chad Evans rode A Speed Demon to win Level 2 Senior Western Riding.
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