Many equine industry professionals have students and customers who are minors (children under the age of majority). Misunderstandings and myths have existed for years when it comes to liabilities involving minors. This article exposes three common myths. Make sure to separate fact from fiction. Plan ahead and protect yourself.
Continue reading …“We’ve made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s convention, based on the latest reports concerning the coronavirus,” said Craig Huffhines, AQHA executive vice president. “We are deeply concerned for the health and safety of the convention’s registrants from around the world and AQHA staff who must travel to Las Vegas for the event.”
Continue reading …In addition to the regular schedule of AQHA classes, there will be two, new, BIG MONEY, slot classes. The 3 & Over Novice Horse Western Pleasure slot class will pay $50,000 to the winner. The 3 & Over Novice Horse Hunter Under Saddle slot class will pay $20,000 to the winner. Both classes are open to all breeds and will offer incentives to non-pro, limited open, and intermediate open riders and maiden horses.
Continue reading …Believe it or not, the 20th anniversary of the Martinganza Quarter Horse Show and Futurity is just a short, five weeks away! Show management plans to pull out all the stops to ensure that this special occasion lives up to its name.
Continue reading …For half a century, horsemen have been told to deworm their horses every two months. It’s a routine that most horse people follow, without much thought other than to rotate the type of dewormer that’s being used. Unfortunately, parasites haven’t been so lax over the years. They’ve been busy adapting to the chemical onslaught of indiscriminant deworming.
Continue reading …The finals of the Adequan National Championship Select Showmanship at the Arizona Sun Circuit were held on Tuesday evening just as the Johns Family NSBA party was getting started ringside at The Equine Chronicle Arena. After three days of Showmanship elimination rounds and a lot of great pattern work, four finalists remained. Scott Reinartz with Investin a Goodbar, Sharon Forbes-Hanks with Hot Lil Assets, Joe Whitt with Suddenlee Single, and Anne Wilson with Give Me the Goods were back center arena for the head to head competition.
Continue reading …The horse industry, at large, and stock horse breed organizations specifically have dropped in horses registered, as well as individual memberships progressively, and, for the most part, continuously over the last decade. There are many reasons for that, but just that fact alone is something to wrap your head around. When a stock horse breed organization has less than 2,000 horse registrations per year, they begin to enter a category known as a “rare breed.” That number may seem like a large number, but when you consider that since 2014, there has been a progressive decline resulting in 1,400 less registrations, you can start to wrap your head around a more global view of a single issue and then begin to consider the further implications for the association, as well as the trickle-down effect for individual members.
Continue reading …In 2016, AQHA instituted a ban on the use of lip chains in Halter competition. This was just one policy change that enacted more stringent penalties for violations regarding animal welfare. While many of those changes were met with support, the action of banning lip chain use was highly divisive, as many trainers and exhibitors view the use of lip chains as an important tool in creating a safer environment for both horses and exhibitors.
Continue reading …The Small Fry Champion was Skylar Herrnstein with Annie Lost Her Socks. Reserve was Meghan Kaser with Good Old Gold. The L1 Amateur WT Champion was Dave Querry with Imma Be A Cowboy. The L1 Youth WT Champion was Emma Evitts with Another Cowboy Story.
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