Angela Fox’s love of horses is inexplicable. Ever since she was a little girl, her yearning came on strong and has never wavered. Angela’s mother, Sheila, grew up in a horse family on the East Coast. Her family bred and raised racehorses and Reining horses, and Sheila showed as a child. When Angela was born, Sheila’s days of riding horses were behind her and all that remained were photos and prizes from her past.
Continue reading …“Branching out and joining forces with PtHA and Darrell Bilke is a wonderful opportunity for WCHA and our members,” explains Don Falcon, Executive Director of WCHA. “This collaboration allows for an additional venue in our mission to provide more and more WCHA classes for halter horse competition of all breeds.”
Continue reading …Now, many people are wondering if this is only the beginning of horse show events that may be cancelled, shortened, or moved as a result of the coronavirus. If something needs to happen regarding major summer horse shows, like the AQHA L1 Championships, AQHA Youth World, APHA Youth World, or NSBA World, such as shortening of the schedules, moving dates, or an outright cancellation, how early would people be notified? What about waiving qualification if people cannot travel as much to compete at events?
Continue reading …If you’ve been around horses as long as Nancy Sue Ryan, you can spot the special ones as soon as they’re born. When a foal hits the ground and calmly takes in everything around them, you know they’re different than the rest.
Continue reading …Click here to read the complete article 138 – March/April, 2020 By Delores Kuhlwein Change is scary and often uncomfortable. But as author Gail Sheehy once said, “If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” Taking a big leap of change in the horse industry for mother-daughter […]
Continue reading …Grace found a few more points on a very pretty and flowing run to score a 293.5. Cori marked another 283.5. Grace received the Adequan Youth Showmanship National Championship buckle and all four girls received embroidered leather bomber jackets.
Continue reading …The Highest Money Earning Non-Pro Exhibitor at WCHA sponsored events in 2020 will receive a new, three-horse, gooseneck trailer for the use of one year. All monies earned will count, including money won in Open, Non-Pro, Intermediate Non-Pro, Color and Owner/Breeder/Exhibitor paybacks. Collectively, monies earned in several different events will be tabulated towards the Trailer Race; a list of sponsored events will be announced soon. Monies earned by non-pros in the WCHA Ranch Horse Versatility classes also count in the year-long race.
Continue reading …Valentino, Multiple World Champion sire, was humanely laid to rest on Tuesday, March 10th after a long illness. Our sincerest condolences go out to owner, June Rhea, and Lonn and Kathy Smallwood on the loss of their magnificent stallion.
Continue reading …Without a doubt, Jane Backes possesses a certain brilliance for breeding. Time and time again the exceptional bloodlines of Backes’ program have carried proven history into promising futures for long lasting showing and breeding careers of many horses.
Continue reading …The final run presented a few challenges for both riders, yet they finished with smiles and laughter. Karen scored a 239.5, while Sharon went off pattern and was disqualified. Karen was presented with the Championship buckle and all Four ladies were awarded jackets.
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