A horse trainer wears many hats- instructor, barn manager, accountant, psychologist, truck driver, ect., but Austin Gooding certainly didn’t expect, when the coronavirus hit, that he would add math teacher to his repertoire of skills.
Continue reading …Your horse stepped on a rock and has been gimpy for several days. Your farrier examined the foot and said it looks like a mild stone bruise and mentioned that your horse has thin soles. Is there some way to help the horse develop a thicker, stronger sole?
Continue reading …“She’s a beautiful mare that’s so consistent and steady while being great-legged,” Juliana says. “We have been looking for the right fit for a new Western Pleasure horse for a while and, in Arizona, Gil came up with the idea to try her. I went up and rode her and that was that.”
Continue reading …Leasing a horse can be a viable option for an owner who doesn’t want to part with their beloved animal and for a rider who’s not ready to purchase a horse of his or her own. A well-matched lease can benefit all sides of the equation: the horse, the owner, and the lessee. Everyone gets what he or she needs. However, there are some key considerations on both sides to make it a winning ride.
Continue reading …We have created a lineup of lesson plans especially designed for the equine enthusiast in your life. Check back each week to see what we have planned while your kids are out of school for the time being.
Continue reading …Maintaining a stable sense of self-confidence in the show pen is like balancing a tray of crystal glasses while walking across a busy dance floor. One misstep or one poorly timed bump from a passerby can send the whole thing crashing down. What happens when this proverbial tray falls in a world where judgment is the name of the game? How do we pick ourselves up and regain our self-confidence?
Continue reading …“AQHA understands that during this unprecedented time, show management teams around the world are making difficult decisions to cancel AQHA sanctioned shows,” said Craig Huffhines, AQHA executive vice president. “We appreciate their due diligence with following recommendations made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local authorities to not risk the safety of our members.”
Continue reading …“Terry and Stacey have a long history of success in several arenas, and we’re looking to bring a new brightness to the program that’s already in existence. We want to do a good job for them and are looking at this as a long-term situation. It’s a new home for us to grow into. This change is happening at the right time, and there are so many big, summer horse shows that we’re looking forward to attending.”
Continue reading …Talk about the most interesting job you never knew existed! AQHA amateur competitor, Erin Shapiro Boatwright, is a Registered Dietician for Disneyland Resort in California. (She’s basically the head nutritionist for Mickey Mouse, in our opinion….)
Continue reading …APHA Executive Director Billy Smith has confirmed that, at the current time, not only are the APHA Youth World Show, Open and Amateur World Show, and Eastern and Western National Championship going ahead as scheduled, the association has made the decision to waive qualification for the Open and Amateur World Show for 2020.
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