What are people doing wrong, exactly? Mike says poor photos, bad videos, not enough information, and too much information will do the trick and send a buyer running elsewhere. After all, it only takes a quick scroll or swipe to move on to the next, better marketed, option.
Continue reading …While you’re in quarantine, there has never been a better time to make sure your tack is clean and in great shape so you will be ready for the next horse show!
Continue reading …One thing to keep in mind is to maintain the same distance to your horse throughout. Don’t let your partner surge or lag. He should respect your space at all times. And don’t neglect your stops. Each stop should be square and complete.
Continue reading …“I think that if I could change one thing it would be to have solved the puzzle for Oklahoma City, because we show there a lot! I realized it after calling the wrong vowel.”
Continue reading …However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This won’t last forever. Following that theme, let’s look towards the future to some of the shows that, at this time, have expressed they will be taking place.
Continue reading …Will we be seeing an entire generation of foals with show names inspired by the current COVID-19 pandemic?
Continue reading …“Since farriery is considered to be essential, my work, so far, has not been affected,” Richard says. “However, I have temporarily ceased having interns travel with me during this time.”
Continue reading …During these challenging times, we could all use a bit of fun. So, we have created the Equine Chronicle Famous Horse Word Search! The horses’ names included within the word search were drawn from a collection of Hall of Fame and Horse of the Year winners from the past two decades.
Continue reading …As promised, here is the video companion to accompany Lainie DeBoer’s second edition of the COVID-19 Schooling Survival Guide- Jumping!
Continue reading …“Try to focus on having your horse hold his lead each way while he’s jumping. That way, your horse becomes straight and more ambidextrous.”
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