“Watching his natural rhythm was truly unparalleled and inspiring. I feel so grateful to have spent so many amazing years together.”
Continue reading …For most of the world, living life behind a face mask is something new. But for 6-year-old equestrian, Ellenor Kavanaugh, this is the first time she has looked just like everyone else.
Continue reading …Other odd jobs include painting blood splatters and stains for a Saddam Hussein torture room for Three Kings. One time, she was lowered by ropes and a harness to paint the underside of a suspension bridge over a raging river. She also had to recreate a mutant-sized, trap door spider’s nest in Eight Legged Freaks. However, the oddest thing she’s ever been asked to paint is a dead cow on the set of The Postman.
Continue reading …Breaking to a walk from an extended trot, without stopping, is tough enough as it is, but this transition is made even more challenging, because it occurs on a left bending arc. “Think about how this transition it tougher because the break to the walk is on a left bending arc. The horse has to increase his step to follow you around the arc on the outside.”
Continue reading …She regularly performs chest x-rays on people who have been infected with COVID-19 or are experiencing symptoms. “This requires me to be in close contact with these patients, and I wear personal protective equipment (PPE), such as a face shield, mask, gown, and gloves.”
Continue reading …Unbeknownst to everyone at the time, that would be the last, major, horse show held before the COVID-19 pandemic began to restrict travel, event attendance, and daily life. The National Snaffle Bit Association held its annual Riders Cup during the Sun Circuit again this year and presented competitors with a total payout of $80,000; beautiful, silver trophy cups; and big checks.
Continue reading …Worrying if the event you’ve been training for will be cancelled is a normal response. It doesn’t mean that you don’t recognize the seriousness of the situation or respect that health care officials are trying to keep us safe. It just means that you’ve put in many hours of hard work and dedication, and financial resources, into pursuing a goal, and you feel disappointed. It means you care.
Continue reading …“Since the posting trot is coming from the hand gallop in two point, the diagonal should be picked up without sitting,” Shannon says. “The pattern calls for the right diagonal, which is the opposite diagonal that comes naturally when coming from the right lead. I put that in to raise the degree of difficulty in the pattern.”
Continue reading …“I looked back on my career and thought about all the things that happened or imagined what could’ve happened in the industry,” he says. “Finally, in 2018, I made the decision to set aside time to put my complex plot into actual words, sentences, and chapters.”
Continue reading …With horse shows put on hold for the foreseeable future, many of us are feeling the stay-at-home blues. This is a natural and perfectly normal reaction. But, it’s important to remember that everyone is in the same boat. We’re all in this together.
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