Everyone likes a deal and mare owners are no exception. Stud fees are steep for proven sires. That drives hopeful breeders to seek discounted fees, and there are many ways to find them. Some stallion owners offer “free” breedings to attract more mares. Some farms have two-for-one specials offering customers who breed to one of their premium sires the option to breed another mare to a junior stallion at half price, or even for free, just to get a foal crop out there. To build a reputation and attract higher quality crosses, stud owners may offer substantial discounts for World Champion or Reserve World Champion mares. Stallions are also entered in charity or futurity auctions where mare owners may be lucky enough to secure the winning bid at a much lower than market price.
Continue reading …“You’d rarely see me without a smile as I was going down the line with him. What I would give to do that one more time…”
Continue reading …Disputes sometimes occur between boarding stables and horse owners. Occasionally, they become lawsuits. From the standpoint of a lawyer who has served boarding and training stables as well as horse owners in these disputes for decades, here are two common disputes and ways that each party can protect themselves.
Continue reading …The Arizona Fall Championship is working diligently to produce a complete set of Futurity classes in the wake of the Congress’s cancellation. There will be Western Pleasure, Hunt Seat, and Trail futurities for multiple ages and divisions with generous added money.
Continue reading …It is no stretch to say that COVID-19 has changed the way the world works, and, in many cases, performance horses have felt the effects, too. With states shutting down, many boarding facilities closed or limited access to their customers. In some cases, trainers had to pull back from how they could provide training and lesson services, and shows were cancelled left and right. Some state breed associations cancelled their entire seasons citing state mandates or insurability concerns.
Continue reading …While her home is still standing, she discovered that her two, beloved mares, One Hot Sultry Night and Too Outrageous, had perished along with two DIY Halter weanlings she was preparing for the upcoming Iowa Breeders Halter Futurity. Two of the family’s dogs also could not be saved.
Continue reading …Thanks to Deborah Chandler for these great around the ring photos from the recent Western Pennsylvania Quarter Horse Show that took place August 14th-16th at the WPQHA Show Complex in Harlansburgh, PA. The three-day event was entitled the WPQHA Exhibitor Appreciation Show and Cash Back Weekend and included five sets of novice/rookie points, four sets […]
Continue reading …Thanks to Eric Mendrysa for this final set of around the ring photos from the 2020 NSBA World Show.
Continue reading …Click here to read the complete article 140 – August/September, 2020 By Megan Sacia Ulrich Over the years, the Western Pleasure pen has seen head and neck position span the spectrum. In the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, Western Pleasure horses carried their heads high, moving around the pen with their backs hollowed. Within a […]
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