The Small Fry Champion was Brockelyn Anderson with Krymsun Cute. Reserve was Natalie Bendfelt with Dun With Therapy. The L1 Amateur W/J winner was Monica Elder with Only Invite The Best. Reserve was Cynthia Raines with Whatabout Inviten Me. The L1 Youth W/J winner was Natalie Bendfeldt with Dun With Therapy. Reserve was Zoey Crawford with Certainly A Hottie.
Continue reading …More than $10,000 was added to the pot for judges, Brad Kearns, Tracy Willis, Jonathan Meilleur, Tina Anderson, and Patty Campbell, to distribute among the winners with their selections.
Continue reading …Who among you hasn’t stepped up to the start cone, with the eyes of the judges upon you, your family and friends watching on the sidelines, and your trainer nervously chewing his nails, and hasn’t felt afraid. Fear is real, but fear isn’t fact. You’ve faced this situation before, and you will face it again. The way you choose to deal with the emotions caused by this pandemic, however, can help to make you a stronger equestrian and competitor when it’s time to return to the show pen.
Continue reading …The WQHA State Show and Cheesehead Classic were held in Elkhorn, WI at the Walworth County Fairgrounds August 27th – 30th. Normally, the WQHA State Show is a six judge event held over Labor Day weekend, but the show was restructured to a four judge event and moved to a facility with open-air stalling and covered arena to accommodate health restrictions. The show was managed by TNT Events.
Continue reading …In addition to a full slate of AQHA classes, which saw entries up by 20% over last year, the show also hosted a Futurity with $7,350 in added money. The Futurity portion of the show saw an increase of 30% in entries over last year.
Continue reading …If your horse has rain rot, you’ll notice scab-like bumps, particularly along the top of the head, neck, back and/or croup. When pulled, the hair will easily come away from the body, leaving behind an infected, hairless spot of skin. These lesions are commonly itchy or painful.
Continue reading …Thanks to Beth Foster-Hattan for sharing some great photos from around the rings at the IPHA/INPHC Paint Partners Classic that took place at Gordyville August 28-30, 2020. Click on the link below to view results. Results Gordyville 8-28-30-20 If you have photos or results to share from a show near you, email
Continue reading …Masterson Farms, LLC, is proud to announce the sale of its outstanding mare, KM Suddenly So Easy, to Kristen Galyean and her partners at 3G’s. All of us here are very appreciative of Kristen and her partners’ desire to share with us the career of KM Suddenly So Easy. Penelope is a truly remarkable show horse, thanks to Casey Willis and all the team at the Farm. We know she will go on to great success in her new home.
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