While one half of The Equine Chronicle team is at the APHA World Show, the other half is out west at the Arizona Fall Championship! Check out Kristin Spinning’s interview with Hillary Roberts following her win with Johnnie On The Spot in the Non Pro Western Pleasure Maturity today to kick off the show.
Continue reading …“It’s kind of a dream come true, really. I was beginning to think I wasn’t going to be able to do it. You know, the older you get, you kind of think your time has passed, so it feels wonderful.”
Continue reading …Looking for a calendar to start preparing your show schedule for 2021? The Equine Chronicle has got you covered with three different calendars to choose from. Click on the links below to view them all and pick your favorite. America’s Top Amateur Champions 2021- Click here to view. America’s Ultimate Champions 2021- Click here to […]
Continue reading …“He’s the best minded and prettiest colt. He’s so fun to show. It was just a blast.”
Continue reading …Chris Jones was just seven years old when a horse first entered his life thanks to his older sister’s insistent pestering of their parents. A couple of years later, after getting enough of a taste of horses to spark a flame inside his own heart, Chris received a two-year-old Quarter Horse named Joe Leo’s Babe to call his own. The family participated in local open and 4-H shows, and the hobby occupied most of their summers.
Continue reading …“She’s very exotic looking,” Katie says. “She stands out because she’s so pretty. She’s great backed, has a pretty head, and is a pretty color. There is not a whole lot you can find wrong with her.”
Continue reading …Today’s competition has been fast and furious at the 2020 APHA World Show crowning champions in two different arenas, simultaneously.
Continue reading …Collin is definitely one of the only boys out there in this particular class, and although it might garner him a bit of attention in his suit amidst a sea of sparkles, he thinks that it’s a double edged sword. “I feel like with the judges it’s kind of like multiplication. If I do super good, then it stands out; but, if I do super bad, then it stands out too.”
Continue reading …“I have wanted this for so long. I used to watch the World Show, and I would cry with excitement when other girls won, because I wanted to win so badly. I’ve wanted to win Equitation since I was ten years old. It’s been a long time coming. I’ve tried so hard for so long, and I didn’t really believe I could do it. Nobody knows who he is. He’s just a Florida-bred baby who gave me his all.”
Continue reading …“Whether it’s a Hunter judge or an all-around judge that he’s showing to, he has the stuff that people want. He has a strong canter both ways and tons of cadence. You can’t make that.”
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