I had the work bases covered. My horse was ready and my trainer thought it would be a good show for both my horse and myself, yet I didn’t go.
Continue reading …Setting yearly goals for myself and my equine athletes required that I sit down and really evaluate not only my finances but also the amount of time I was putting in.
Continue reading …“Many Halter competitors and trainers attended the session on Halter for the anticipated ‘lip chain’ discussion. While many of us were thinking this was a topic of the past, it seems to have resurfaced.”
Continue reading …For those who know John, living in an active horse environment is a key aspect of his well-being. Without this option, it would be removing him from the life he loves. At this point, he has a good support system that allows him to live independently and continue to give back to the industry.
Continue reading …Business began with the Executive Director’s Report and General Membership on Friday morning. Billy Smith provided positive membership numbers, a balanced operating budget, and an overall positive financial report for the association.
Continue reading …Even the most experienced showmen make mistakes from time to time, but how many of us can reflect on those mishaps with a winning attitude?
Continue reading …“Arizona Sun Circuit was my first big show. Being a newcomer to the all around world and having a new horse, one can only imagine my delight, as well as my fear, entering the show pen.”
Continue reading …Close to $40,000 worth of goods, saddles, electronics, and gift certificates will be randomly given through a variety of fun games, trivia contests, drawings, and lucky exhibitor awards.
Continue reading …EC Blog by: Carla Perri Dear APHA Members, We wanted to make sure you know about a new proposal to the APHA Amateur Committee at the Convention next month in February that would greatly benefit us older APHA members. The proposal is to form a new division such as the Amateur Walk/Trot. This new division […]
Continue reading …Mare owners looking to breed are able to get an up-close inspection of potential sires, and fans are able to see the horses that captured their hearts on the track, now standing just a few feet awa
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