If you’re under a stay-at-home order during this time, we hope you’re getting a lot of hours in the saddle with your favorite Appaloosa! The Saddle Log and Driver and Disabled Rider/Driver Programs could be just the thing for you right now!
Continue reading …What are people doing wrong, exactly? Mike says poor photos, bad videos, not enough information, and too much information will do the trick and send a buyer running elsewhere. After all, it only takes a quick scroll or swipe to move on to the next, better marketed, option.
Continue reading …Horses are bred to excel in their given discipline. It is a mix of a horse’s conformation, attitude, and ability that creates a champion horse. Bloodlines are commonly noted and referenced throughout disciplines involving American Quarter Horses that brings us to the question, “what are the top Western Pleasure bloodlines now?”
Continue reading …Stay six feet apart at all times! When you have three girls and nine horses in isolation, crazy hijinks are bound to ensue… Thanks to Kili Crawford for this great shot. If you have a great photo that shows what you and your horses are up to at home, email B.Bevis@EquineChronicle.com.
Continue reading …Because ivermectin is a FDA approved drug for parasitic infection, like strongyles, worms, and bots in horses and heartworm disease in dogs, it is widely available and may hold potential for future research in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the FDA is cautioning that people should not self-medicate by taking ivermectin products for animals. While ivermectin tables are approved for use in people for the treatment of some internal parasitic worms and other external conditions, like head lice and rosacea, the FDA explains that people should never take animal drugs, because their safety and effectiveness has only been evaluated for a particular species. Furthermore, people should not take ivermectin unless it has been prescribed by a licensed health care provider.
Continue reading …To excel at Hunter Under Saddle, as with most disciplines, your horse needs to be the total package: A combination or consistency, movement, and an outstanding disposition. Enthusiasts discuss bloodlines and pedigree so for 2019, let’s answer the question, “What are the top hunter under saddle bloodlines?”
Continue reading …Wouldn’t it be nice if your beloved, equine kids could get along long enough to take a family portrait? Amanda Pedersen was trying to have engagement photos taken with her then-finance, now-husband, Nick. But, the kids, You Go Glen Coco and I’m Forever Sensational, were feeling feisty! Which one do you think started it?… Photos […]
Continue reading …While you’re in quarantine, there has never been a better time to make sure your tack is clean and in great shape so you will be ready for the next horse show!
Continue reading …The moderators for this webinar are Carey Williams of Rutgers University, Laura Kenny of Penn State Extension, and Danielle Smarsh of Penn State Extension. The speakers are Ashley Harkin of the United Horse Coalition and Bryan Brendle of the American Horse Council.
Continue reading …Don’t have a mask? Never fear, quarantine unicorn is here! Not only does this colorful solution put a smile on everyone’s faces in the grocery store aisle, it provides ample protection. All joking aside, it was Shannon Fisher’s 10-year-old niece’s birthday, and she was a bit sad that she couldn’t have a birthday party with […]
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