When things return to “business as usual,” I dearly hope this virtual horse show community will continue on as well. The positive experiences had by so many in this group may very well be the thing that makes them feel confident in branching out to the next higher level of competitive equestrian events, thereby having the ultimate positive consequence of infusing new life into our breed shows!
Continue reading …The Board said one of its top priorities right now is finding a way for the Youth World Show to take place later this year, either by securing a new date, or by adding youth classes to the ApHC World Championship Show in October. As a first step to help its youth members, the Board approved a motion yesterday to add an additional year of eligibility for every youth competitor. Details will be released on June 3.
Continue reading …Kelsey Matthews with Invited Intuition and Brooklyn Hermann with A Hotrod Sensation remember the good times when you could get closer than 6 feet.
Continue reading …This show will look a little different because of COVID-19, but the show staff has put guidelines in place to keep everyone as safe as possible. The first difference is that all entries will be taken through the ArQHA online entry form of which many exhibitors have already taken advantage!
Continue reading …In today’s edition of What’s Cookin’? Elizabeth Brahler is showing us how to make the Brahler Family’s Taco Casserole! The casserole feeds 4-6 people and 1 dog.
Continue reading …Because these patterns all share the same types of elements, that can provide both an opportunity for riders to practice perfecting their skills, but also a trap for their horses to learn the bad habit of anticipation. One area where this often occurs is the lead change that’s typically located across the center of the arena.
Continue reading …Since that time, Tracy has contracted pneumonia, suffered a collapsed lung, was diagnosed with lung cancer, and needed to be resuscitated after her heart stopped. Obviously, it’s been very difficult for Tracy to make it out to the barn to visit her APHA mare, Sophie, so Anthony brought Sophie to Tracy!
Continue reading …When riding horses, it’s important to know the value of persistence. This little guy sure has that!
Continue reading …There are many overlaps in the dog show world, including ties to the horse show community. Three Pembroke Welsh Corgi owner-handlers have similar backgrounds as ambitious AQHA competitors. Stephanie Grogg, Kelli Alhadef, and Jodi Geerlings are not only the three top-ranked NOHS competitors in Pembroke Welsh Corgis, they also have shown American Quarter Horse Association World Champions in the past.
Continue reading …Thanks to Mandi Knowles for sharing this adorable photo of Miss Scarlet Engle and Al Capones, aka “Pones” the pony. Scarlet is the daughter of Joe Engle and Mandi Knowles. She looks ready for horse shows to resume with her multicolored horse mask! If you have a great EC Photo of the Day, email B.Bevis@EquineChronicle.com.
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