Check out these super cool temperature scanning stations at the entrance to the arena at the AQHA World Show! Ross Roark was kind enough to to show us how it works. Very fast, efficient, and keeps everyone safe. Click here to watch the clip on our The Equine Chronicle Facebook page.
Continue reading …Check out the new World Champion Walkway on the way into the Jim Norick Arena World Champion Walkway o at the 2020 AQHA World Show! See any familiar faces? Click here to watch the clip on our EC Facebook page.
Continue reading …“I really gave myself a pep talk before I went in, saying ‘I’m a bad ass!’ Then, I went up to the cone and made sure JJ was in front of my legs and on my hands. Then, I tried to get forward motion right away, because it’s harder for him to start from a stop, because he’s 17 hands.”
Continue reading …In Amateur Weanling Colts, Kate Griffiths Jackson was the winner with Mr Fabulous. This was somewhat of a departure for Kate, who can most often be seen behind the scenes assisting her husband, Jarrell, and their employers, Terry and Tammy Bradshaw, with their Halter horses.
Continue reading …Athletes from the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association (IHSA) validated their equitation skills among the best in North America at the National Horse Show in Lexington, Kentucky, in the Taylor Harris Insurance Services (THIS) National Horse Show Adult Equitation Championship. For the second consecutive year, the leadership of the National Horse Show Association of America (NHSAA) invited qualified IHSA members to participate in the Taylor Harris Insurance Services National Horse Show Adult Equitation Championship, the feature class Oct. 24.
Continue reading …“The study will look at how the interactions between the horses and humans, sometimes referred to as a “horse/human bond” affect one another,” said Ellen Rankins, Ph.D. Candidate and project lead. “Not only will data be collected during the trial period, we will also follow up with the participants to observe how long these changes are sustained over time.”
Continue reading …Around the first month of lactation, the energy demand on the mare is at its highest. During this time, it is crucial that the mare is provided with a high enough energy intake to meet her new requirements (nearly double that of a maintenance horse!) and that she receives an appropriate balance of minerals to encourage proper development of the foal. Pasture access is a huge advantage during this time, as it will help keep gut fill problems to a minimum and should naturally provide her with a good vitamin and mineral assortment.
Continue reading … At the NSBA World Championship Show, the NSBA Youth held a socially-distant outdoor draw party and meeting for officer elections. NSBA congratulates incoming NSBA Youth President, Steve Wheat, from Ocala, Florida. NSBA would also like to thank Shelby Cochran for her continued leadership and enthusiasm throughout her term. Watch for more information about these […]
Continue reading …Thanks to Lindsay Latimer for sharing this hilarious photo of Ricardo and his friend. If you have a great EC photo or video of the day, email
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