By Brooke Chevalier, PHJ Four new faces joined APHA to learn the ins and outs of managing one of the world’s largest equine breed registries. Brooke Chevalier, Josie Fladager, Amanda Kresta and Daeleigh Patridge will gain knowledge about the horse world, connect with industry professionals and help orchestrate the APHA World Championship Show as part […]
Continue reading …Ashton Brandt’s mom, Britney Brandt, tells us that Ashton’s trainer, Cheryl Daggy, tested positive for COVID the day before they were supposed to leave for the All American Youth Horse Show. However, Jess Haines and Kelsey Tumey stepped in to help Ashton navigate her first time at the show! With the help she received, […]
Continue reading …EMO Celebration Entry & Stall Reservation Deadline: June 18, 2022 Enter now: You can enter on line using HorseShowTracker OR Enter on line using The EMO Celebration Entry Form Stalls: Barns open for stall move in on Tuesday June 28 at 1:00pm. Stalls must be reserved and paid for on line. Reserve using the STALL FORM LINK. Please note […]
Continue reading …On Thursday, we asked Equine Chronicle readers: What year do you think photo was taken? Bonus: Identify the horse and youth rider. Hint: This duo earned an AQHYA World Championship! The photo was sent to us by the rider, Yvonne Burson, who was riding Teds Cowpoke when they won their 1978 AQHYA World Championship in Trail. If […]
Continue reading …Even trainers gotta have fun! Turn the volume all the way up to enjoy this video secretly taken by Beth Clemons while Deanna Searles rocked out to Smashmouth’s Walkin’ On the Sun between horses on a sunny June in Arizona. Video posted with permission from Deanna as long as the music stays, she says. EC Video […]
Continue reading …PHJ Three applicants recently proved they had the merit to become APHA carded judges. Applicants go through a rigorous testing process, including being approved to test at the APHA Judge’s Exam in May and testing their skills with a written rulebook test, video penalty clip test, video judging, live judging and applicant interview with the […]
Continue reading …AAEP The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) has published on its website comprehensive guidelines to educate practitioners about risk factors, transmission, clinical signs, treatment and other considerations pertaining to Leptospirosis, a bacterial disease that can cause acute renal failure, in-utero infection and abortion, and equine recurrent uveitis in infected horses. There are currently more than 35 recognized Leptospira species comprising more […]
Continue reading …“Hold on tight to your dream.” – Jeff Lynne Thank you to Jessica O’Connor Equine Imagery for this absolutely adorable photo taken at the recent North Carolina Palomino Exhibitors’ Association Roy Saunders Memorial Show in Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina. If you have a great photo or video of the day, please email
Continue reading …Truly A Gem: Miss Bluegun, aka Sapphire, Turns Heads As A Genuinely Versatile Horse By Delores Kuhlwein In today’s specialized world of the horse industry, it’s common to hear people share nostalgia over horses who can switch gears from one event to another. Then one learns of an extraordinary horse like Miss Bluegun, aka Sapphire, […]
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