The sweet scent of cinnamon rolls waft through the air as glazed bourbon bites start sizzling on the grill. The Sweet Shop has just opened for the day, and the line is already around the corner with exhibitors clamoring for their coveted apple turnovers to start the day on the right foot.
Continue reading …The fat, scruffy yearling was waiting his turn to be sold as a Barrel Racing prospect at the 2001 Denver Stock Show sale when Tim Gillespie spied him. Bred for Halter, and spunky enough to be speedy, the look in the horse’s eye and the way he moved, with a flat knee and deep hock, promised something more. Gillespie took a chance and took Brokers Lucky Kid home; never imagining the yearling would eventually become the stuff of which every Paint Horse owner’s dreams are made.
Continue reading …You know the signs: ears pinned, wringing tail, begrudging attitude. It’s a sure bet that your mare is in heat and your riding session might not go as smoothly as you had hoped.
Continue reading …Crime can happen anywhere. It can even happen at horse shows, especially the upscale kind, which have been a target for thieves for a long time. Unfortunately, the atmosphere of a horse show makes it an appealing target for thieves with the presence of expensive tack, busy and distracted exhibitors, and an atmosphere of community and trust.
Continue reading …Jeff and Lorna Zaloudek’s 34-year-old son, Evan, has achieved multiple World Championships as a top EWD Independent all-around exhibitor. Evan has an encouraging attitude that shines as bright as his show ring smile as he has attended shows from the Dixie Nationals to the Quarter Horse Congress every year since 2011.
Continue reading …Your flight may or may not depart on time. Your baggage may or may not be pulled aside for some extra TSA attention due to the odd accessories stowed inside. You’ll likely have a hat or boot carrying case, instead of a carry-on, because there are just some things that can’t be trusted in the hands of others. The entire process may be frustrating, and you’ll have to constantly remind yourself that the horse show waiting on the other side of the plane ride is worth the hassle. If this sounds familiar, you’re an equestrian frequent flier, and we’ve got some great advice for you. Read on for tips and tricks on everything from finding the best prices on flights, to how far out you should book flights and anything else you might have wondered when thinking about horse-related travel.
Continue reading …The transformation of Equestrian from an individual sport to a team sport is difficult to understand if you’ve never attended a collegiate equestrian meet. One of the most common questions I’m asked, as a participant in this sport, is if I get to ride my own horse. Although I wish I could bring my horse with me to college and ride him every day, that’s just not how this sport works. Before diving into the details about where the horses we ride do come from, it’s helpful to provide a bit of background about the sport itself.
Continue reading …Reid Thomas, owner of Reid Thomas Performance Horses in Boerne, Texas, represents the best in the modern horseman. He has successfully combined his strong educational background in business with an innate talent to read and understand horses and the ability to teach and inspire his clients. A multiple champion in his own right, Reid is turning out winners in youth, amateur and select, specializing in all-around events. He lives by his motto, “success is a journey, not a destination,” and the wisdom of that motto is borne in the long list of champions developed through his training program.
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