In our first installment of our regularly featured “How-to” videos, exhibitor Emily Tuma of 17 Hands Fit demonstrates a handy yet tried-and-true way to put in a fake tail.
Thanks to 17 Hands Fit for allowing us to share the how-to video of Emily with her horse, The Perfect Machine, aka Bentley.
In the January/February edition of The Equine Chronicle, we published an article, “Top Ten Things Judges Hate in Showmanship,” that received a huge response. One of our readers, APHA competitor, Emily Tuma, found it so helpful that she decided to make her own video outlining a few of the errors and fixes with her horse, The Perfect Machine, aka “Bentley.”
Continue reading …Find out what Isabella Buckley had to say about winning the National Championship Youth Equitation competition at the Arizona Sun Circuit!
Continue reading …Thanks to Rachel Ramey for sharing this adorable clip of her 3-year-old son, Roman Ramey, and his best friend, 2014 AQHA gelding, Best of Righteous. “The horse’s barn name is Jonah, but Roman calls him ‘Shonah.’ They will be taking their adventures to the show pen this year!”
Continue reading …Find out what Brooke Jolstad had to say about winning the National Championship Youth Horsemanship competition at the Arizona Sun Circuit!
Continue reading …Find out what Ann Wilson had to say after her big win in the National Championship Select Showmanship competition at the Arizona Sun Circuit!
Continue reading …Find out what Anne Oldfather had to say after her big win in the National Championship Amateur Showmanship competition at the Arizona Sun Circuit.
Continue reading …Find out what Sara Simons had to say about winning the 4 and 5-Year-Old Open Trail Futurity at the Arizona Sun Circuit with Dirtie Money!
Continue reading …Avid Equine Chronicle reader, Kevin Dukes, is a great multitasker! He’s preparing a horse at the Dixie Nationals, while reading the latest edition of The Equine Chronicle! Thanks to Cody and Courtney Parmenter Photography for sharing this awesome video.
Continue reading …Do you remember when you were excited to go to your first horse show?
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