AQHA Youth World Blog: Western Riding Wowza!

EC Blog by: Tatum Richey
You could have heard a pin drop when three-time Western Riding Champion, Deanna Green, glided into the Jim Norick arena yesterday afternoon. In all the years and the hundreds of patterns I’ve watched performed there, I don’t think I’d ever felt one like I did yesterday. The level of anticipation was staggering and magnificent to experience.
During the whole afternoon, there were so many incredible runs by a great line up of World class equestrians. So many of these competitors have grown up riding against each other in the arena. Outside of the arena, many are best friends. But when they put on their chaps, hat, and finest show outfits – it’s on like Donkey Kong. It’s show time! That’s what happened in the Western Riding preliminaries this year. This was class filled with a lot of my great friends, some of the nicest, most friendly people in the world, who would give the shirts off their back to anyone in need. That is until it’s their turn to cross over into horse show gear – all bets are off! It’s time to lay out the best of the best. These are the moments to bring it, and bring it they did.

I could tell Deanna Green was there for it. They all were! Each rider that stepped into that arena was there to give their all. It was awesome to watch. Each person had their own style, their own pace, their own confidence, and their own grace. It was inspiring to see. But something uniquely wonderful happened today in Western Riding.
The experience and success of these AQHA members is phenomenal, but none compare to that of Deanna and Buttercup. They must hold the record for number of back to back World Championships? That’s what’s made this so fascinating to see.

As fantastic as Deanna and Butter are, this year they have some mighty strong and talented competitors to get past. There were many amazing rides in the preliminaries. I was especially knocked out by Kamiah McGrath’s pattern. She had a flawless run. It was the very best I’d ever seen her in any class at any show. She really brought her A-game, and she was rewarded for that. She finished the day out leading with a 221 going into the finals today. There was a lot of great patterns. Everyone one of the 17 finalists has a real shot at winning this year’s World Title.
This morning is going to be some kind of showdown. You don’t want to miss this one. Be at the Jim Norick by 9:30. You will not want to miss a second of these awesome 17 goes. Will Deanna Green make it a four-peat? Will Kamiah take the title? Or will another youth surprise everyone and bring the ride of their lives? I can’t wait to see. I love them all and wish them all a great go. Each one deserves it, no doubt!

Tatum Richey