“A child’s world is fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement. It is our misfortune that for most of us that clear-eyed vision, that true instinct for what is beautiful and awe-inspiring, is dimmed and even lost before we reach adulthood.” – Rachel Carson Peyton Martini and Lego My Martini. Photo provided […]
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The ladies at BSB Quarter Horses, Shelley and Kim Donovan, are excited about a very special horse that has come out of their program recently. His name is Lil Rick E, and the 2020 colt is the first foal by their celebrated stallion, Too Sleepy To Zip, that they’ve kept a colt in quite some time.
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It’s easy to see where the idea came from. When a horse/pony/donkey has metabolic syndrome it is very important to limit the sugar and starch in the diet. Starch is digested to glucose before being absorbed. The higher the intake, the higher the animal’s insulin levels will go and the higher the laminitis risk.
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All proposals undergo a four-tier review process completed by the Scientific Advisory Council. Preference will be given to investigators with solid credentials and research experience. The maximum award is $50,000 for up to eighteen months. The winning proposal will have scientific merit, scientific and clinical significance, and relevance.
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Skyfall Sensation, aka “Bond,” enjoys getting all fancy for the horse show, but he loves snow days! Owned by Chloe Turpin of Wichita, KS. If you have a great photo or video of the day, email B.Bevis@EquineChronicle.com for the opportunity to be featured on www.EquineChronicle.com.
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Sun Circuit will once again hold wildly popular tournament style competitions in Horsemanship, Equitation, and Showmanship for the National Championship. The final 2021 National Championship ranking list names the 64 exhibitors in each division who are eligible to participate in the tournament at the 2022 Sun Circuit held March 5-13.
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By now, many of our readers have heard about the horrific barn fire that struck IPHA member, Kristy Doyle’s, facility over the weekend. The devastating blaze resulted in the loss of 12 horses and only one surviving animal. She has directed us to the following detailed account of her ordeal. Kristy Doyle: “The past 24 […]
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Triggers lurk everywhere. “Horses are shipped in trailers, live in stalls and are fed inside stables,” Dr. Léguillette observed. Even when these dust sources are identified, owner compliance in reducing them is an issue. In a recent study of 49 horses with Severe Equine Asthma, only six owners were described as “good” in following dust management recommendations. “For the six who did comply, the measures worked very well.” Clinical signs including breathing effort and coughing were much improved.
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“We try to build strong relationships in the industry that will break down barriers,” Daniels said. “The interns will be introduced to the many wonderful career fields in this industry, from upper management to hands-on. Long term, these internships will lead to prominent job placement in the equine industry.”
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We are saddened to relay the news that longtime IPHA member, Kristy Doyle, lost her barn and several horses in a tragic fire over the weekend. Kristy has confirmed that nine horses were lost in the fire and, while four were rescued, three of them had to be euthanized 12 hours later due to severe smoke inhalation. One surviving horse is doing well at the University of Illinois Large Animal Hospital.
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