Mark your calendars for the Texas Amateur State Championship Show for 2017! The new dates for the show will be April 26-30 in Waco, TX. The show will once again take place in conjunction with the Big Country QHA.
Continue reading …If you do blanket, remember that a horse’s fur fluffs out when it’s cold. This adds air space, like your down jacket has, and that air fills with warmth making the fur more efficient. Blankets crush down that air space, so you need a heavy enough blanket to provide true warmth. A thin sheet may protect a horse from rain, but it may not provide much warmth and may leave the horse colder than if he had no blanket.
Continue reading …According to some studies, the tissue under the wrap, along with tendons, can potentially overheat in hot weather.
Continue reading …The Midwest Horse Fair Ranch Horse Competition makes it’s debut with more than $2,800 in prizes. It will showcase the control and maneuverability of the ranch horse and offer three classes.
Continue reading …Horse owners often associate electrolyte supplementation with warm weather, however, this actually has nothing to do with seasons. The provision of electrolytes depends entirely on the amount of work and sweat loss taking place, so for certain horses supplementation is important every season.
Continue reading …Looking for a fun winter activity? Stay inside on a cold, blustery, winter afternoon and make your horse some of these delicious homemade horse treats. I’m sure your horse will appreciate the effort!
Continue reading …One of the most significant effects it can have on a horse is exerting too much pressure on its back muscles. This will cause an improper flow of blood to the muscle and cause pain. No muscle can develop and work properly without an adequate blood supply. Over time, that muscle will degenerate or atrophy.
Continue reading …Any reputable consignment company will offer a trial period or a generous return policy. Shipping methods can vary a great deal, and you’re more likely to get a professional shipment with a business rather than with an individual selling their clothing.
Continue reading …Horses to be shown in the Youth World Show must be transferred or leased by the pre-entry deadline of the Youth World Show. However, any horse shown at the Youth World Show will not be eligible to show at the Open/Amateur World Show (in the same year) by the immediate previous owner/lessor or relative of the previous owner/lessor as described in AM.020.A and YP.015A.
Continue reading …To compete at one of three AQHA Level 1 Championships in 2018, exhibitors have four ways to earn an invitation. The qualifying period kicks off January 1, 2017, and continues through December 31.
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